Friday, May 2, 2014

Undecided Whether to Reconcile or Divorce? A Family Law Attorney/Mediator Can Help You Decide. by Robin Seigle has many good articles relating to divorce, separation and related topics.  Today one of the articles posted talked  about whether it is better to consult with a Marriage Counselor or a Divorce Lawyer if you are undecided about reconciling or divorcing.  Address to article is below:

I have another suggestion:  See a family law attorney/mediator.  Both parties see the attorney/mediator together.  The mediator is neutral about the outcome and provides legal and practical information to give the couple an idea about what their lives would be like if they separated or divorced.  Sometimes just gathering that information is enough to lead a couple to either give counseling another shot or decide to proceed with the divorce.

The goal of mediation is to help the parties reach a mutual decision about what they are going to do.  The attorney/mediator has the legal knowledge and expertise, as well as practical experience, with  divorce or legal separation to help the parties see their options realistically.

Marriage counselors help the couple deal with the emotional aspects of their decision to reconcile or divorce; divorce lawyers advise the parties individually about what might be "best" for them legally.  The mediator helps them look at their own and the other party’s  perspectives and work cooperatively, not necessarily happily, toward a joint decision.   It is much less stressful for the couple, and their children, if they make these very important decisions together and not rely on others who don't know them (attorneys, judges, etc.) or their children, to decide for them.


Unknown said...

Thanks for all the advice. My brother and his wife having been trying to work it out for a while but I think we all know that they need to just end things. I told him I would help him find a divorce attorney if that's how things end up. This is all really helpful.

Unknown said...

I can imagine how ugly some cases get, especially when it comes to family. There can be a lot of hurt feelings and emotions that get in the way. I think it is best to find a lawyer to help you with this kind of situation.
Gary Puntman |

Unknown said...

Finding a family law lawyer that can really help you out is very important. I know that without them, a lot of people would struggle with these kinds of things. You just really need to know what to look for.
Jak Manson |

Unknown said...

I think that both sides can offer some really great insight. While the counselor can help with the emotional aspect, there's got to be a lawyer there to help deal with the logistics of everything. You want to make sure that no one gets taken advantage of.

Rosie |

Sal Wesson said...

This is really helpful. My close friend has been considering divorce for some time, but has yet to take any real steps toward dissolving the marriage. She should talk to some family lawyers and mediators to help her figure things out.

Sal Wesson |

Unknown said...

My buddy got home from work the other day and the house was completely empty. His wife left a note saying she was taking their son and leaving. This has blindsided him like crazy. What are the essential things to consider about a divorce lawyer?


Karen Filipelli said...

Great advice, thanks for the post. Divorce is such a difficult process. Using a mediator is a good first step to handling a divorce more smoothly. When my aunt went through her divorce, it was really hard for the whole family. I wonder if it would have made a difference if she and her now ex-husband had hired a mediator to help them move towards their separation. Of course, mediation can only go so far. I think it is important to consult a personal divorce attorney as well, since they have your best interest in mind if you decide to proceed with the divorce.

Karen Filipelli|

Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice! I had no idea there were mediators available to help-- when my brother went through his divorce, having a third party would have been extremely helpful. Sometimes lawyers can turn into a battleground, but there are easier ways.

Jenn |

Unknown said...

When my sister hired a mediator for her pending divorce from her husband, I thought for sure it was the final sign it was really over. But what I didn't realize was a mediator was different from a simple divorce lawyer. The mediator helped them talk out their problems and they decided to stay together thanks to the help they got. I learned a lot watching this experience.