Tuesday, August 26, 2014


There was an interesting article in the New York Times last year by Sam Roberts.  Mr. Roberts looked at the growing trend of divorce in people over the age of 50. Besides the usual causes that go hand in hand with divorce (general loss of interest, career changes, extramarital affairs, substance abuse, stress over finances and kids), there are other contributing factors unique to the over-50 divorce:

  • Many people over 50 are in their second or third marriages, which statistically means the marriages are more likely to fail;
  • Staying together for the long haul is less likely than in the past because there are so many more options now as far as lifestyle when a marriage fails; and
  • We're living longer - when a 65-year-old is healthy and active and the kids have moved out of the house, that person is less prone to stay in a dead-end marriage.
As with all else, the baby boomers are making their presence felt here.  Half the married population are boomers who are living longer and staying active.  It comes as no surprise that more and more they are opting out of a bad marriage and instead choosing to live as singles.

Click on the link below to read the article:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is true. People have a lot more options outside of married life nowadays. They are not confined to a specific lifestyle. If people have been stuck in a dead marriage they it is easier to get a divorce after all the kids are gone. My grandma just got married for the third time and she is 65. https://www.sodomalaw.com/