Children face an unfamiliar landscape when their parents divorce or separate during the summer. They have to learn a new set of rules. "Who's going to pick us up from school?" "Whose house do I sleep at tonight?" "Will Mom and Dad both come to Back-to-School Night?" "What happens if they start arguing in the parking lot?" "Will Mom still help me with my science project?" "Will Dad still coach my soccer team?" "What will my friends think?" "What if I get sick at school? Who's going to pick me up?" That's a lot for a kid to deal with on top of all the other stuff to do at the beginning of a new school year.
San Diego attorney Myra Fleischer offers excellent advice for preparing your children, and yourself, for this new way of going back to school. Please click on the link below for her article, "Make the grade: back to school tips for divorced parents" for some great ideas to help the family through a smooth transition into the school year.
Some of her tips include:
- "Meet before school starts without the kids in a neutral location to discuss the routine details first."
- " . . . give permission to the children’s teachers, counselors, and medical professionals to share information with both parents."
- "Agree in advance to be civil at school events for your kids’ sake if you both attend."
- "Make sure you have talked in advance about whether Sam or Susie gets a cellphone or iPod. Purchases like this on a whim rarely end up without an argument and upset parents and kids."
I think that you are right, it can be difficult to get your family back into a normal routine after divorce. Divorce can be a very difficult thing for any family but it is important to get back into a normal routine. Thanks for sharing this information, I think it is very helpful!
Amber |
This is some pretty great advice. I feel like most people don't have much experience with divorce and so it's hard to make the necessary adjustments. It might even be hard to know what adjustments will be necessary. Like you said, both parents should strive to make sure it is as little stressful on their children as possible.
Gerald Vonberger |
This is some great advice to follow. My sister is going through a divorce and would hate to see my nieces and nephews have a hard time because of their parents decision. I am going to share this advice with my sister so her kids can smoothly transition going back to school.
It's always a very difficult time for the kids when their parents are going through a divorce. When my sister got divorced, it was very hard on her children. I think that these are some great tips on how to help kids get back into their regular routine every day. Then they are able to focus on the things that are important despite their struggle.
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