Thursday, May 26, 2011


This question is asked by people who are faced with the prospect of divorce or legal separation that either they or their spouse are initiating. The first thing that typically comes to their mind is to find an attorney. Depending on what their financial resources are, they may next think, but I can’t afford a lawyer or I don’t want there to be a big fight. There is a remedy for the uncertainty and it might come from a friend, a therapist or a family member: GO TO AN INFORMATIVE WORKSHOP TO LEARN WHAT YOUR OPTIONS ARE.

NATIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION CENTER (NCRC) offers a workshop, Third Saturday, on the third Saturday of every month at NTC – Liberty Station, to help you answer that very question. In a 4 hour workshop, in blocks of one hour each, an attorney speaks about the legal procedures and requirements, a divorce financial planner talks about the relevant financial issues, a therapist talks about the personal issues for the spouses and/or their children, and a mediator talks about mediation for Divorce or Legal Separation.

During each segment and during breaks, the attendees have the chance to ask whatever questions they may have for approaching this new, and often scary, situation.

The cost of the workshop is $35 if you preregister, $45 if you just walk in and an extra $5 off each registration if both spouses attend.

For more information: contact National Conflict Resolution Center, 619-238-2400 or 760-494-4728, and press 0 for the operator. She can send you information, answer your questions, or preregister you for the seminar. The next ones are on June 18, July 16, and August 20.